Suggested new Sideling route
• Liberal Candidate for Bass Bridget Archer with Dorset Mayor Greg Howard discussing the Sideling infrastructure upgrade back in May.
By Taylor Clyne
November 13, 2019
A new route has been suggested for the $50 million Sideling B double road upgrade which will likely see the new road bypass the current and famous windy path.
The project, which is funded by a $40 million federal government commitment earlier this year, is still in discussion stages with Council and the state government.
“We’ve had a discussion with the Infrastructure Minister and the Treasurer to see if they would allow Dorset Council to be in charge of the road build via an alliance model, however this model is still under consideration by the state government,” Mayor Howard said.
“It is likely that we won’t be following the existing road alignment from beyond the lookout down to St Patricks River as it appears that following Forestry Roads, The Powerline Corridor and Corkery’s Road will be a significantly cheaper and better option.
“There will also be a chance to cut off some of the corners on the Scottsdale side of the Sideling between Whish-Wilson Road and the top horseshoe.
“All other sections of the road are likely to be located either within or adjacent to the current road corridor,” he explained.
Mayor Howard said it will be a straighter road, a better road and get people into Launceston a lot quicker.
“The benefits will include proper passing lanes which will reduce the frustration of motorist caught behind large trucks and improve driver safety.”
If the discussions on allowing Council to build the road via an alliance model are successful planning work will likely take a further twelve months.
“Council need to build this road for the cost to come in at the $50 million mark.
“Provided we can, work will start rather quickly on design, talking to landowners and educating residents on what to expect during the build.”