Steve’s fight with MND


•  Steve Dunbabin with his little mate Mal, Malakye Bayles, who will be shaving his mullet to raise funds for MND. 

By Taylor Clyne
June 29, 2022

After surviving a fall from 13 metres earlier in his life which broke his back and both of his legs, Springfield’s Steve Dunbabin will now face his biggest challenge yet being diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease (MND).

The 66-year-old said he’s got a lot of living left to do with bucket list items including a drive in a two-seat sprint car with his son.

“All my family have raced speedway cars their whole life and since my son has moved home to Tasmania it’s something I’d like to do with him,” Steve said.

The incurable disease is attacking Steve’s body slowing being identified with the ALS form of MND.

“It affects my whole body; my limbs, my breathing, everything – it will be my lungs that get me.”

Steve was diagnosed back in May 2021 after being admitted to hospital with issues relating to his back injury.

“The doctor that saw me noticed a lot of muscle wastage in my legs and further investigations found my muscles had deteriorated in my
back too.

“Initially they thought it was related to my fall but after conducting many tests I was diagnosed with MND.”

Steve said part of the issue with MND is there is no specific test to diagnose patients.

“It’s basically a process of elimination and when there are no tests left you have MND.”

He’s not sure how much time he has left but plans to live his life to the fullest surrounded by family.

A community fundraiser is being held in his name at Kendall’s Hotel on Saturday July 23 from 11am to help with ongoing medical requirements and quality of life.

Family member Katelyn Richards said they will have a sausage sizzle, car boot sale, face painting, live local music, raffle and the sale of MND merchandise sales on the day.

“A big thank you to Darren [Probert] for donating his facilities for this event,” she said.

“All money raised will be going to Steve for ongoing treatment and expenses that will come with his illness.”

Alongside the fun of the day, Steve’s little mate Malakye Bayles will be shaving off his beloved mullet that he’s been growing for more than three years.

Steve said he’s feeling very humbled and hopes speaking about the disease will raise awareness for other families, research, and treatment in the future.

“Having the facilities around my home and vehicle to assist me further as this takes over my body will help greatly.

“I just want to enjoy what time I do have and make lots of memories with my children and grandchildren.”

Support Steve and his fight with MND on July 23 at Kendall’s Hotel, for more information phone 0417 533 327.