You can help end period poverty
• Local Share the Dignity volunteer Mandy Walters at the collection box at Scottsdale Woolworths.
By Daisy Baker,
August 14, 2019
Throughout the month of August, Woolworths in Scottsdale will be a collection point for Share the Dignity’s sanitary product drive.
Each time shoppers buy a sanitary product, they’re encouraged to buy an extra one to donate to a woman in need.
Around 3.2 million Australians are currently living below the poverty line, more than half of whom are women and young girls.
Many of them are experiencing what is referred to as ‘period poverty’, meaning they are unable to afford necessary sanitary products.
Scottsdale woman Mandy Walters joined Share the Dignity as a volunteer several weeks ago to help with this meaningful campaign.
“I am the mother of two daughters and to think that some kids, teenagers and adults out there don’t have the basic right to sanitary products every month just breaks my heart,” she said.
“The thing I love about Share the Dignity is that it is affordable for people to get behind – you could donate once or several times a month, whatever you can afford.”
Woolworths announced in March that they will donate five cents from every packet of pads and tampons sold in each of their stores across Australia to Share the Dignity.
Share the Dignity volunteers will collect and deliver donated sanitary products to charities in their local community.
Share the Dignity founder Rochelle Courtenay said without their many volunteers, the Dignity Drive would not be possible.
“Our volunteers who we call ‘Sheroes and Heroes’ are the heart and soul of our charity and we could not collect and distribute donations without their support. They are the public face of our charity; it is their passion for helping women in need and the generosity of the community donating that delivers the success of our drives,” she said.
“So many women, every month, have to forfeit sanitary products because they cannot afford them. Many mothers have to choose between buying sanitary items and feeding their children.”
You can donate sanitary items at Scottsdale Woolworths in the collection box just near the door until the end of August.