Warm pool days ahead
• Local kids enjoying the warm pool on Monday night L-R: Leeland Krajancic, James Ranson, Zavier Ritson and Kurt Zwart.
By Taylor Clyne
November 25, 2020
Queue the warmer weather and a balmy 27-degree pool to match, all things the community can now enjoy at the Ringarooma Pool thanks to an extensive $46,000 solar upgrade.
The project was made possible thanks to a $38,000 Tasmanian Community Fund grant with a further $1000 from the North-East Lions and Rotary Clubs and $7,500 raised by the Ringarooma Swimming Pool Association.
President Sharee Forsyth said the redevelopment saw the replacement of all the solar matting at the site to allow for a total update.
“When we replaced the matting, we were able to double the solar capacity meaning we can now keep the pool at around 27 degrees anytime of the day,” she said.
“Prior to the new panels we were lucky to get to 15 degrees.”
Mrs Forsyth said it was a huge community effort to raise money for the upgrade and complete the work in time for summer.
“The school and community love the pool, it’s really important that we keep progressing it for years of enjoyment to come.
“Now that it's much warmer we are hoping to extend the times that we operate opening mid-October and finishing mid April.
“We are also trying to open the pool longer hours throughout the day and create a senior only swimming time slot.”
For the past couple of years entry to the pool has been free and thanks to the Council this will continue for the 2020/21 season.
The swimming club provide trained lifeguards for all open hours of operation and will be holding a training day this weekend to upskill any newbies.
“We have four senior local lifeguards ready to go, we hope to see many new faces come for a swim this summer with the Scottsdale Pool closed for upgrades.
“If lap swimmers want their own space, we are only too happy to rope off an area and we have a little kiosk for those wanting a treat.”
Alongside the bonus of a warm pool the Ringarooma Swimming Pool is also now sporting hot showers thanks to a new gas connection made possible by a $3,100 matching funds grant by Bridget Archer.
“We are very grateful for all the support and look forward to a busy summer.”
Currently the pool is open from 3pm-6pm Monday to Friday and 1pm-6pm on the weekends, hours are hoping to be extended with information being made available on the association's Facebook page.