Rural rev heads ready for tractor pull


Wayne Stagg with his modified tractor, Rotary's Guy Jetson and co-organiser Keran Thompson.

January 17, 2024

Rotary Club of Scottsdale is preparing for an even bigger and better Scottsdale Tractor Pull Challenge at Santarena Park after its inaugural event last year proved a success.

In conjunction with the Tasmanian Tractor Pulling Association, the event will be held on March 23 and 24.

Wayne Stagg started competing last year after being at an event assisting with his water truck and decided it looked like good fun.

He took part at last year’s Scottsdale event and loved it so much he purchased a new $40,000 mini modified tractor with a V8 Chrysler motor rated to 500HP ready to tackle entrants from around the state this year.

“They’ve all told me I have gone back to my childhood!” Mr Stagg said.

“You have to use your brain a bit. I’m in it for the fun. I’ve been up against the Australian champion at another event and at the end of the day I was only 50-odd metres behind him so I think that was a good achievement.”

Rotary President Guy Jetson said it was a fun spectator sport with hundreds of people expected to attend to watch a range of categories, including vintage tractors and lawn mowers.

“Longer term we would like to have some other events happening at the same time and we are trying to develop it and grow it for the community and it is agriculturally based which is great,” Mr Jetson said.

“We have invested money in developing the site and money raised will go towards maintaining that for future use and other community projects we support.”

Keran Thompson is helping to organise the event and is looking forward to sharing the sport with the general public.

“I am hoping there have been a few more people like Wayne that have decided it’s good and bite the bullet and get into it,” Mr Thompson said.

“Anyone who has a little or big tractor can come along – it can be 4wd but on the day it has to be used in 2wd.

“It’s judged on distance pulled over two days. The big sled is about 7t and the smaller one is roughly 3-4t. When you are pulling the whole thing will get the sway up so you have to drive against instinct.

“It’s a lot of fun. It brings a lot of people from a lot of areas.”

Enquiries about entering can be directed to