From The Advertiser to the Big Apple


Taylor Clyne Smith will take a bite of the Big Apple as part of a media exchange facilitated through Rotary.

January 17, 2024

WINNALEAH-based journalist Taylor Clyne Smith has been successful in obtaining a trip of a lifetime through her local Rotary Club this coming March.

The mother of two, who is a familiar face within the local community for her former role as Editor of the North-Eastern Advertiser, will head to New York City for a professional media exchange spanning three weeks.

The exchange is headed by Rotary District 9830 with the support and endorsement of Scottsdale Rotarians.

Just four participants from the State have been selected for the experience, a first of its kind for the franchise. 

Mrs Clyne Smith is the only successful applicant from the North.

“Opportunities to learn from media counterparts across the globe rarely come up for a smalltown girl like me, so with bright eyes and a hungry heart I want to grab this by the horns,” she said.

“New York City is one of the world’s most vibrant and dynamic media capitals that would provide a wealth of learning opportunities for myself as well as cultural and intellectual resources.”

Mrs Clyne Smith is currently on maternity leave but said she hoped to gain worldly knowledge on a vast range of subjects, advice, invaluable connections and resources to further execute her future role in the media.

“This opportunity will greatly further my professional horizon and will directly flow into my community,” she said.

“I look forward to growing professional contacts in an unparalleled network.

“I have not taken this opportunity lightly having to leave my two young babies at home, I hope to inspire them and all little people to follow their dreams when they grow up.”

The list of media houses Mrs Clyne Smith has placed as preferences for the trip include The New York Times, Vogue Magazine, the live Drew Barrymore Show, The Huffington Post, The Rolling Stones and many more.