Stepping Up: ‘The Remote OpShop Project’ for Yiyili


Scottsdale High School's Tori Hall and Rhylan Walters promoting the Remote OpShop Project for Yiyili.

September 25, 2024

By Rhylan Walters, Year 9 Scottsdale high

Scottsdale High School’s leadership board has launched ‘The Remote OpShop Project’ for Yiyili, an initiative inspired by Miss Sherri Rainbow, a current teacher at SHS who previously taught there.

Yiyili is a remote, impoverished Aboriginal community in the Kimberley Region, Western Australia. It has a population of around 250 people. 

Amongst the Yiyili community is a proud Aboriginal lady named Cynthia Cox. Cynthia is the community leader of Yiyili and organiser of the ‘Yiyili Op-Shop’. 

The Remote OpShop Project is a not-for-profit organisation aimed at creating community-led OpShops in First Nations communities in remote Australia.

Miss Rainbow approached the Student Leadership Board last term when she heard about Cynthia's project, suggesting SHS could get on board and help Yiyili. 

Having lived in Yiyili with her daughter Ebony, Miss Rainbow was thrilled that the school’s leaders wanted to support such a meaningful cause and help aid Cynthia’s beautiful community. 

Cynthia shared how her OpShop is helping the community, especially the elderly who have no mode of transportation. With the nearest clothing stores being two hours away, residents often struggle to get basic necessities and find appropriate attire, especially for occasions like funerals or formal events. 

Miss Rainbow also mentioned how the children in Yiyili were huge fans of sports and loved wearing Ebony's old shoes and showcasing their incredible talent.

The Student Leadership Board at Scottsdale High decided to collaborate with local businesses Water/House Real Estate, Scottsdale’s Cottage Bakery, Sugar and Spice Bakery in Bridport, and the Scottsdale IGA.

The businesses set up community drop boxes for donations of shoes (including footy boots), and new socks. These drop boxes have been available for the past two weeks and the community's generosity has been amazing to date.

Donation boxes will stay in local businesses until September 26. After that, items will be collected and sent to "Mumma Cynthia," as Miss Rainbow lovingly calls her. 

To cover postage costs, SHS students held a bake sale with all funds going towards the project. 

The school also plans to have a Zoom call with "Mumma Cynthia" before sending the items to show her what’s coming for the kids and families in Yiyili.

Cynthia has expressed her desire to hopefully one day meet and personally thank the people from our community who have helped make these donations possible.