Window spruce up for Spud Fest
Little Rivers is getting ready to dress up its window to support Spud Fest, supported by Lions Club of Scottsdale. Lions Vice President Melissa Krushka with Josh Whelan and Emmett Shehan (back) and Billy Farrell and Megan Jensen (front).
March 5, 2025
The inaugural Lions Club of Scottsdale Spud Fest is fast approaching and the community is being encouraged to create some colour on the streets.
Local retail and hospitality outlets are being asked to dig in and have some fun, by dressing up their window with an agricultural theme.
Little Rivers is one business getting into the spirit, with plans to decorate its front window with a garland of hops, paying homage to the local industry.
The window winner, to be judged on Wednesday, March 12, by May Shaw residents, will win two tickets to Spud Fest.
Spud Fest specials are also being encouraged by the organising committee who have been working overtime to prepare for the festival, being held at Northeast Park on Sunday, March 16.
Hundreds of early bird tickets have already been sold and organisers are hoping for a few hundred more to be sold before the event kicks off from 11am to 5.00pm
“We are really happy with how things are going and while there have been some logistical challenges we are really
looking forward to bring this event to life,” Lions Club Vice President Melissa Krushka said.
“It will be great to get the community together to celebrate everything great about agriculture in this area with a focus on our humble spud.”
Residents are also being encouraged to enter a largest backyard garden potato, largest commercially grown potato and most interesting shape potato competition.
More details and tickets are available via the Spud Fest website.