Mayor candidate Q&A


Dorset Mayor candidates - Edwina Powell, Robin Thompson and Rhys Beattie.

March 20, 2025

Mayoral candidates questioned 

The head of Tasmania’s Local Government Association and Break O’Day Mayor has spoken about what it takes to be an effective leader, giving advice to the three candidates for Dorset Mayor.

Cr Mick Tucker spoke at a public forum organised by the North East Tasmania Chamber of Commerce, attended by about 40 people, at Scottsdale’s Mechanics’ Institute Hall on Tuesday night.

Rhys Beattie and Robin Thompson are vying against each other for the one vacant councillor position and are also contesting for mayor, against Cr Edwina Powell, who is acting in the role.

“Leading council is both exciting and regarding bit comes with significant responsibilities,” Cr Tucker said.

“Good leadership underpins council’s ability to make good decisions and good governance gives a community confidence in council and its decision-making processes.

“You don’t have to like one another but you do need to respect one another.

“A positive and professional relationship between the mayor and general manager is essential.

“The best councils work as a team, have trust, respect and build up good relationships.” 

Cr Tucker moderated a question and answer session that was followed by questions from the floor.

Candidates were questioned about their strategic vision for the municipality as well as specific topics such as Council’s priority projects, which includes the North East Rail Trail.

Mr Beattie and Mr Thompson were in support of the project which extends the track from Lilydale Falls to Scottsdale. Cr Powell said she knew “trains aren’t feasible” but was “on the fence” with the project as it stands.

The role of agriculture, aged care and liveability were also raised by candidates as important development opportunities for council to pursue.

A focus on getting the Sideling upgrade finished as soon as possible was also spoken about by all candidates to improve access and commuter times.

When asked about top budget priorities, Mr Thompson said roads, waste, recreational activities and improving the liveability of the area; Cr Powell said heating and or covering the aquatic centre pool and playgrounds for young families were important ideas; while Mr Beattie said it was important to “get the basics right and if money is left over we get to enjoy things like the pool”.

They were also asked about their leadership styles.

Mr Thompson said it was essential to develop a “Team Dorset” mentality and develop trust and respect for everyone’s roles. He said he would be open and collegiate but was not a micro manager.

Cr Powell said she was already being an effective leader and wanted to continue in the role to keep developing and promoting community engagement because “if we are not in touch it’s not going to work”.

Mr Beattie admitted he had a lot to learn about council processes but suggested many in the community also didn’t fully understand its role, and he was hoping to take people on the learning journey with him. He said he would lead a team environment where everyone was heard and would be forward focussed.

All were positive about the role Commissioner Andrew Wardlaw had played in the region over the 18 months councillors were suspended during the State Government-initiated Board of Inquiry. 

The North-Eastern Advertiser asked candidates the following questions prior to the meeting.

Mayor candidate Q&A

How will you be an effective chair of meetings and lead Council, given its significant change of personnel? 

Robin Thompson - The role of an effective chairman is to ensure everyone is heard in an orderly manner and that issues rather than personalities are the focus of comment and debate. As a new leader of largely a new council my initial focus will be to facilitate experiences and activities that build trust and working relationships within the council team and understanding of the Local Government Act 1993 and other relevant legislation, policies and procedures.  These are fundamental to rational and informed decision making. 

Edwina Powell - I am already chairing meetings and leading Council to good effect. My years on Council stand me in good stead. I apply good governance principles.  I know what to do and how to do it. I have gained the respect of fellow Councillors and staff. At the end of the day, my role is to listen.  Being a leader includes encouraging ideas, accepting different points of view and listening with respect.  We may be a largely inexperienced council but each councillor was properly elected and is working to their strengths and to their best abilities, established skills and experience.

Rhys Beattie - Although I am yet to have formally chaired a public meeting, I believe an effective chair facilitates productive discussion whilst ensuring everyone is heard, manages time and guides the councillors towards clear decisions. In corporate meetings that I am involved with I pride myself on keeping highly professional in heated situations, and I am quick to hold individuals to account for their comments and input. 

Do you support the Council’s decisions made under the tenure of Commissioner Andrew Wardlaw – including the rate structure changes and the return to membership with Northern Tasmanian Development Corporation.

RT - Mr Wardlaw consulted widely in the community and in my opinion made decisions considerate of community perspectives so I do not believe there is any urgency to revisit any of the decisions made via this process.  Dorset does not exist in a bubble so membership of the NTDC enables Dorset to share common issues with its neighbouring councils and to access supporting resources at a lower cost that would be achieved if acting alone.  The Council members of NTDC have a close geographic relationship so a collegiate approach including advocacy for common infrastructure such as roads , significant economic drivers such as energy generation and administrative issues such as planning is important and can be key to gaining support from other levels of government.

EP - Council decisions made in 23/24 on rate structure changes are based on sound principles. In 2025, 46 per cent of properties will benefit from rate capping. Rates will be reviewed. Discussions have already started on the fees in relation to green waste.  What generally happens is that decisions made by a previous council, are not overturned by a new council.  Rates and charges make up the bulk of revenue for any council, and it is this income that enables the improvements and maintenance of the municipality.  Most municipalities have a Rate Payers Association where complaints and matters concerning them can be brought forward for consideration before these decisions are made.  Is it time for Dorset to form such an Association? Membership of the Northern Tasmanian Development has been a good decision.  Dorset cannot develop in isolation from the rest of the region.

RB - I think that the rate structure changes were fair, especially the 15 per cent cap on rate rises. This cap on rates has allowed rate payers to adjust to the rapid rise in property values, that in a lot off situations has created unrealistic accessed annual values.  

I feel that the membership with the Northern Tasmanian Development Corporation would be good for collaborating with other councils, however I would need to see ongoing meaningful value to justify the expense.   

Council has a strategic plan that will need to be reviewed. Do you support the current document? 

RT – The current strategic plan was adopted in 2023 so in accord with provisions of the Local Government Act 1993 must encompass a ten-year horizon and be reviewed after four years.  Whilst strategic plans should be agile, living documents they need time for the operational plans that support them to deliver the desired outcomes.  This journey of the current Dorset strategic plan has just begun so I believe it meets its statutory requirements as well as being relevant in setting the high-level strategic directions for Dorset Council and that there is no new imperative acting on Dorset that dictate a major strategic shift through significant revision of the strategic plan.

EP - I think the Strategic Plan needs refreshing.  Dorset has a declining demographic. We need to focus on opportunities for partnerships and investments.  Strategic planning means working with our communities, developing strategies for engagement and broad consultation. A Strategic Plan is based on what the community needs and wants, not what we think they want.  Communities thrive if they have ownership over identified priorities, programs and projects.

RB - I do support this document.

What do you see as a priority area for council to focus on to facilitate more economic growth for the region?

RT - Facilitating economic growth is a complex multifactorial problem to which there is no silver bullet answer whether the focus is local, state or national.  Council can best encourage economic growth and regional development through advocating our natural assets and resources (competitive advantages) and ensuring council processes are efficient, timely and result in high quality information and support being provided to potential investors.  

EP - The current statgeic plans focuss on developing marketing strategies and partnerships across the region.  The natural environment and heritage are an asset that needs to be promoted. The development of a tourism friendly infrastructure plan is the starting point but is only part of the picture.  The James Scott Wing is a facility that could be developed for health/ aged care/ mental health/ youth/ young mothers support. We as a Council could facilitate and advocate for broad health sector growth.

RB - Agriculture is the powerhouse to our economy in Dorset. Facilitating growth in ag would be the first place I would look for growth opportunities. I also feel that continuing to focus on the Derby experience is vital to us, we have the ‘golden egg’ let’s not drop it.

How can Council better assist with growing the area’s business base, including facilitating the development and use of key King St premises?

RT -  The role of Council in this issue is limited to promotion and support through its statutory and service processes and working with neighbouring councils to promote population and economic growth on a larger regional scale.

EP - Dorset Councillors have begun to consider how King Street could be developed. The Begents building and the Lyric Theatre have great potential and opportunities. Dorset Council has called for community budget submissions. This is your opportunity to share with council for consideration during the 2025/26 budget discussions.

RB - To build the business base substantially to help utilize King St premises, we would need more people in our towns this would have to be in the form off more visitors, or population growth. 

Are you in support of the Rail trail from Lilydale Falls to Scottsdale? If not, what alternate project do you propose?

RT - I support this project because of the positive business case developed by Mr Wardlaw and global evidence of the benefits delivered by such projects provided the project can be adequately resourced without compromising delivery of other council strategic and core priorities.  

EP - The Rail Trail has a grant of $1.47 m that must be expended.  It was resolved on January 20, just a few days before the reinstatement of Dorset councillors to collaborate with the City of Launceston on the development of a project report.  Launceston City Council is reviewing their costings.  I would prefer to see the development of the Scottsdale end of the trail rather than the Lilydale section.  I would prefer to see the Scottsdale Heritage Railway Station and precinct developed up, including a RV park with facilities and toilets, and the area to be a tourist destination of distinction benefiting our town as a whole. Maintenance of a rail trail to Lilydale with all its bridges may be too much for this council to carry.

RB - I am in support of this project, as long as the build cost makes economic sense. The e-bike market around the world is exploding and this corridor would be a perfect destination for leisure riding for these assisted and non-assisted bikes. In the long-term if this project attracted a lot of people to the area then more cycle ways could be added to connect more of our tourist attractions to the network.

A new Bridport Marina is listed in Council’s priority projects. Are you in support of this concept?

RT - This concept has been widely socialised and supported over a long time so there is clear community support.  The challenge for Council is to develop a delivery model that ensures affordability of the development and its long-term maintenance.

EP - The Bridport Marina Master plan was reviewed in 2023.  I am delighted that funds for the Bridport Pier have been declared. This project will be of benefit and enjoyment of all of the community.  The Marina and port expansion feasibility study involving a $600,000 has yet to be formalised.

RB - I do not support the Marina part of this proposal. My main opposition to this project would be towards the changing of the position of the channel opening. In my opinion it would cause the current channel area to silt up and become a smelly eyesore at low tide and would destroy the safe recreational area that thousands of people enjoy. However, we need to support our shippers and fishermen in keeping their current facilities in good order.  I am in 100% support of the recreational jetty part of the proposal, and it is vitally important that an all tides boat ramp is built, not only for recreation but for safety reasons.

Are you in favour Derby Back Rd becoming part of the Tasman Highway?

RT - There is clearly a traffic and safety problem in Derby for which upgrading the Derby Back Road seems a solution by removal of through traffic.  I don’t know whether this is the only solution but certainly all potential solutions should be canvassed prior to making a final decision.  Presumably making Derby Back Road part of the Tasman Highway would make it a state rather than Council responsibility.  This sounds an elegant solution but any cost and other consequences for Council would need to be identified prior to Council adopting such a position. 

EP - The question of the Derby Back Road is quite complex, given the terrain.  State growth has suggested that the speed limit be reduced to 60k rather than 80 because of visibility and safety.  Certainly the issue of the Tasman Highway being the only route through Derby is problematic and will need to be addressed.  Something has to be done here.  Mathinna Road is also becoming a well worn route into Dorset and this needs to be addressed also. 

RB - I feel that it would be hard to justify such a cost. If trucks and bike riders could continue to be patient with each other at the moment I think it is working. In a way the increased activity of derby adds to the atmosphere.