Sideling sealing works near completion
Work to re-seal the Sideling has neared completion. Pic by Jeff Jennings.
February 7, 2024
Sealing of the Tasman Highway from the Sideling Lookout to Whish-Wilson Road is almost complete, with works on track for completion by the end of this week.
Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Michael Ferguson, said guideposts and line marking were expected to be installed by the end of February and the safety barrier by the end of March.
“The speed limit will be returned to normal after works are complete,” Mr Ferguson said.
“This will complete the first section of Stage 1 of this important upgrade, which will improve access for heavy vehicles to the North-East region and improve safety for all road users.
“The Department of State Growth plans to advertise tenders for the second section, between Whish-Wilson Road and Minstone Road in Scottsdale, later this year, with construction to start early in 2025.
“The overall project involves upgrading about 24 kilometres of the Tasman Highway from just south of St Patricks River to Minstone Road, Scottsdale.
“It will improve safety and the current road alignment by widening the road, sealing the road shoulders and providing passing opportunities.
The $120 million-upgrade is jointly funded by the Australian and Tasmanian governments.