Scottsdale Magistrates Court of Petty Sessions


March 18, 2020

Matthew James Richards-Youd pleaded guilty to one count of driving without a licence and one count of displaying plates in a way calculated to deceive.
The 28-year-old Winnaleah man was intercepted by police on November 16, 2019 while driving in Launceston for a licence check and a random breath test.
The car he was driving was displaying plates from another vehicle so it appeared it was registered and insured.
In the basis of the seriousness of the matters and Mr Richards-Youd’s previous record, he was convicted and sentenced to 8 weeks imprisonment.
There were also additional costs of $68.04.
Stephanie Selina Cooper pleaded guilty to one count of driving while suspended.
When police pulled the defendant over for a random breath test in Beattie Street in Scottsdale on December 22, 2019, she was caught driving while her licence was under suspension.
The 25-year-old was convicted and fined $150 with costs and levies of $68.04.
Eileen Joy Lodge pleaded guilty to one count of driving without a license.
The incident occurred on December 29, 2019 in Devonport, when she was found to be driving with an expired licence.
She was intercepted by police for a random breath test which returned a negative result.
Subsequent checks found her licence had expired and was subject to a suspension as of June 6, 2019.
The 61-year-old was convicted and fined $300 with additional costs and levies of $68.04.
Phillip Dennis Farrell pleaded guilty to a range of driving offences which occurred on two separate occasions in late 2019.
On October 22 Mr Farrell was riding his motorbike along the East Tamar Highway at Mount Direction when he was caught by police travelling at 114km, exceeding the 100km limit.
At this time he was also found to have methamphetamine and amphetamine present in his oral fluid, as well as riding an unregistered and uninsured vehicle while his L1 licence was suspended.
On November 13, the 33-year-old was caught riding at 125km along Golconda Road at Lebrina, where the speed limit is 100km.
When he was intercepted by police at William Street in Scottsdale, he was also charged with riding an unregistered and uninsured vehicle while his licence was suspended.
Mr Farrell pleaded guilty to all matters and was disqualified from driving for eight months and fined $1,000.
There were additional costs and levies of $156.08.
Noel Douglas Millwood of Nabowla pleaded guilty to one count of trespassing onto a property on Golconda Road on December 15. 
Mr Millwood parked his car in the vicinity of the property, crossed the road and climbed over a locked boom gate to gain entry.
The 68-year-old was found on the premises by a visitor at the property and left when he was asked to.
Mr Millwood said he was looking for aluminium cans to recycle.
A conviction was recorded and Mr Millwood will pay costs and levies of $68.04.
There were a number of other matters that were adjourned to the next hearing.
The North-Eastern Advertiser will be attending all monthly court hearings held in Scottsdale.
The next scheduled court date is Tuesday May 5, 2020.