Rushy boys’ road to recovery
• Bai Wagner with his mum Sadhna of Rushy Lagoon at the Royal Hobart Hospital.
By Taylor Clyne,
April 27, 2022
Every family’s nightmare is currently the reality of Rushy Lagoon parents Sadhna and Leigh Wagner when their otherwise healthy and energetic boy Bai had a stroke at their home on April 14.
The family were preparing to head away on their annual Easter camping trip to Petal Point when they asked the six-year-old to fetch his coat.
Mum Sadhna said he couldn’t pull his jacket out and then noticed one whole side of his face was drooping, he was dribbling and couldn’t speak.
Jumping to action, having had experience with their smallest son Kenji who has regular seizures, they called the ambulance thinking it was something similar.
“The Scottsdale ambulance came and the next thing we knew we were being air lifted to the Royal Hobart Hospital as Bai had suffered a stroke and lost feeling in his complete right side,” Sadhna said.
“The doctors have told us that he has a clot on his brain as well as fluid, but they have no answers as to why or how it’s happened.
“The only thing different was Bai had his Covid vaccine at school on April 5, but no one can confirm if it is related.”
Nearly two weeks on little Bai has regained some feeling in his foot and can walk assisted.
Sadly, he celebrated his seventh birthday in hospital and is expected to spend another few weeks there before returning home to his brother and sister.
“While we have been here, he suffered another smaller stroke, and it looks like he will need a wheelchair – he’s got a long road ahead.”
The farming family have the support of their community behind them with friends creating a Go Fund Me page to support with ongoing costs such as accommodation and medical expenses.
Their initial goal of $5,000 was blown out of the water in less than six days with more than $8,000 already raised and a further $1700 from the Gladstone Hotel’s fundraiser to add to it.
“A very hearty thanks to Tanya and Kasia for organising this fundraiser for Bai and a very big thanks to everyone who has supported in every way. We really appreciate it and are feeling the love.
“May god bless you all”, Sadhna said.
For anyone wishing to donate to help the Wagner family can search “Donate to help Bai and the Wagner family” at