Roo seriously bangs up biker


By Taylor Clyne
March 17, 2021

Scottsdale man Stuart Worker is in a serious but stable condition following a freak motorbike incident on Saturday afternoon at around 3.30pm.

Worker was travelling with friend Mark Singline and his son Declan along the Three Bridges Track between Gladstone and the Banca Road when he suspects a kangaroo ran out of the bush, hit his back wheel and catapulted him into the air.

He was conscious when he landed on the dirt but with no phone reception Singline immediately took off to locate a signal and phone an ambulance.

Thankfully he ran into two strangers who gave him an umbrella and a blanket to keep Worker comfortable until emergency services arrived.

17-year-old son Declan held the umbrella over his father for more than three hours waiting for an ambulance.

Unfortunately, due to the location the ambulance was not able to extract him when they arrived and the Westpac Rescue Helicopter was deployed to airlift him to the Royal Hobart Hospital, picking him up from the Mount Cameron Field Study Centre.

Wife Amanda said Stuart suffered damage to his ribs, collar bone, lungs and pelvis.

“He’s done a number on himself, he’s very lucky really.

“So far they believe he’s broken his collar bone, broken multiple ribs in a few places and will require a plate, he’s punctured his lung and severely damaged his pelvis.

“He’s going to have to lay still for a minimum of six weeks and is expected to stay in hospital for up to three months.

“Given he’s such an active guy it’s going to be a challenge!”

Amanda said despite it all Stuart was in fairly good spirits and is expected to make a full recovery in due time.

On behalf of the community, we wish you all the best in your recovery journey.