All bulls sell at Quarterway


March 17, 2021

There was a total clearance of the 55 bulls offered at the annual Quarterway Angus sale on Monday to an average price of $8009.

Top price of the sale was knocked down online to Auctions Plus for D.K.F. Haywood and Son from Albury NSW at $16,000.

A smiling stud master, Trevor Hall, was pleased with the result.

He would have been particularly happy with support from locals and especially Flinders Island farmers, who took 17 of the bulls.

Flinders farmers David and Jason Bellinger, of Nampara, said they were looking forward to getting their lots home to the property – eight bulls between them.

“It’s a big investment, but we like the lines on offer,” David said.

About 100 people attended the sale with all lots auctioned in a little over an hour.

Some mingling over a barbecue and drink followed the bidding.

Mr Hall said it was a good sale and a strong show of confidence in the beef industry.

“It’s a good time to be involved with cattle.”