Pooch rescued in Pipers River


• TFS firefighter Elizabeth Allitt with rescued pooch Boris in Pipers River. 

January 25, 2023

Boris the staffy is lucky to be alive after falling into a mineshaft at Pipers River on Sunday at around 11.30am.

The friendly pooch was let out for a run by his owners and stumbled across the hazard, proceeding to bark himself hoarse trying to raise the alarm.

His distressed owners phoned the Tasmanian Fire Service (TFS) to assist with the rescue operation and firefighter Elizabeth Allitt was lowered into the mineshaft by a harness to Boris.

Moments later they were lifted out together to the cheer of the family.

Ms Allitt said a crew of three firefighters attended the property to aid with the recovery.

“When we arrived Senior Firefighters Adam Stacey and Daniel Redpath lowered me into the mineshaft, and I fitted Boris with a harness before we were both raised out together.

“He was such a good boy during the whole rescue operation,” she said.

“I adore staffies and was stoked to hang out with him.”

Ms Allitt said technical rescues aren’t uncommon, but they don’t often involve a cute puppy.

“We train for a wide range of incidents, to make sure we’re ready to help when needed.

“It was a great result, and we were so pleased to see Boris reunited with his family.”

We hope Boris was given extra treats last night and that he stays away from mineshafts when out running in the future,” she concluded.