Ngaire's tales of days gone by


January 27, 2021

Scottsdale’s Ngaire Fennell has lived her life between Tasmania and New Zealand, returning to Scottsdale from around six years ago.

The Northbourne resident went nursing when she was 18 and met her husband John when she was 21 and he was working at the hospital.

If Mrs Fennell could go back and change one thing about her life she said she would like to have settled in one place, rather than moving around all the time.

“My advice to the young ones is that if they decide to get married, settle down and don’t move,” she said.

Her first car was a 1936 Morris 8 which cost 50 pounds when they bought it in 1960.

Meanwhile the couple’s first home in Christchurch, New Zealand cost 7,000 pounds.

Mrs Fennell said her fondest life memory was raising her children.