CWA Hall lifts it look
• Bridport CWA committee members Catherine Bell, Viv Sarich, Maggie Whitmore and Raewyn Black at the new development site.
By Taylor Clyne
February 03, 2021
Long awaited work is set to commence next week on the Country Women’s Association (CWA) building by the seaside in Bridport.
The group received building approval by the Dorset Council last week and have their builder ready to pour footings on Thursday.
The $100,000 upgrade is thanks to a Tasmanian Community Fund grant and in-house fundraising.
It will see a new toilet block built fit for disabled and ambulant users with internal and external access, the installation of a new kitchen and floor coverings as well as the replacement of several windows in the kitchen and hall plus a new main entrance and foyer.
Secretary Leonie Johnston said it is very exciting to see the project finally started.
“As you can imagine the budget for this work is large, and our CWA members have been working hard to assist with funding for this project.
“When the renovations are complete our CWA Hall will be a huge asset for our community and we will encourage other groups and families to utilise our facilities,” she said.
Mrs Johnston said it is incredible to see how many people generously give their time and energy back to their community.
“Our CWA is working very hard to encourage new members.
“As is the case in many small towns, groups are closely interconnected, and members often belong to more than one organization.”
The group is mostly known for its popular monthly market which will next take place this Saturday February 6 from 9-12pm at the Bridport Community Hall.
“We have over thirty stallholders attending which specialise in handmade, home grown and baked goods.
“This is a great opportunity for our local community to market their products and we have received very positive feedback both from our community and visitors to Bridport.
“At this stage, the majority of funds raised will be going to support the renovations to our Hall.”
Another project the CWA are working on include Baby Boxes for new mothers in Bridport lead by members Ruth Quinn and Peg Watson.
These include beautiful hand knitted booties, beanies, jackets, and cardigans and/or other clothing items such as smocked dresses, bibs and singlets.
If you are interested in extending your network, making new friends and joining the CWA Bridport Branch please contact Leonie Johnston on mobile 0438 281 352.