Mine hosts savour a rest

•   Dion Bunker and Mrs Bunker, of cattle ranch Bunker Downs, aka Dion and Di Turner at last month’s murder mystery.  

•   Dion Bunker and Mrs Bunker, of cattle ranch Bunker Downs, aka Dion and Di Turner at last month’s murder mystery.  

By Tony Scott,
August 11, 2021

Popular hosts Dion and Di Turner are looking forward to enjoying Bridport’s Bunker Club from the other side of the bar.

The pair hand over the keys next week and in semi-retirement prepare for a summer of rest and recovery.

“We might have gone overseas for a bit, but that’s off the agenda for a while,” Di said.

Instead they plan to devote themselves to family, which they say has been less of a priority than they’d like in the nearly six years they’ve been running the business.

They’re in no doubts about reason for the success of the venue they took over with great trepidation.

“The locals have supported us from the outset. 

“Even our opening night went ballistic,” Dion said.

“We wanted a venture that we could do together and it’s worked really well, we’ve just become part of the community.

“We respected the roles of the RSL and community and bowls clubs in still having a headquarters.”

Timing was important as the clubs were struggling when Di was approached to consider taking a lease on the kitchen.

“But we were only interested if we could have the lease of everything.

“We had a plan to see if we could make it through 12 months.

“If we were broke after that we’d have to go and find jobs doing something else.”

The resurgence of Bridport as a recreation and retirement centre coincided with that time frame and they reckon has gathered pace since.

Di already had a loyal following from cooking at Anabels of Scottsdale.

“And after 40 years I think I got it right,” she said, referring to the menu.

“It’s too relaxed to be fine dining, but wholesome flavourful food and a fun atmosphere,” Dion added.

The recipe has certainly hit the mark with patrons. 

A string of awards includes Brides’ Choice magazine wedding venue of choice twice, RSL sub branch and Community Club award twice, judged to have the best wine list once and people choice twice and Trip Advisor people’s choice twice.

The pair are content they are handing on to a considerate new owner Boon Tai Tan, of George Town’s Crazy Duck, itself an award-winning regional restaurant.

They’re also happy the team that’s stood by them in recent years is to be retained to make a transition fairly seamless.

“We’re not hard bosses, but it helps when the group of people you’re working with are so thoughtful and aware of what’s required,” Dion said.

A number of the community causes and events the Bunker is involved in they expect also to continue.

They have sponsored a number of sports clubs and Di says the Sunday friendship group she’s a member of will continue organising things like fund raisers for the Little Blue School, fire relief appeals and events like the murder mystery night and the upcoming Priscilla Queen of the River.