Memorial lane refreshed


• Ken Burr, Graeme Walsh, Brendon Thompson, Cindy Walsh and Gail Thompson of the Legerwood Hall and Reserves Committee. 

March 1, 2023

By Taylor Clyne

A heartfelt tribute to all those who have lost a child throughout the Legerwood area are honoured with a memorial tree lane planted by the Legerwood Hall and Reserves Committee.

The picturesque lane features many beautiful trees including golden elms, maples pine oaks, crab apples and more along the old railway line near the tree carvings.  

The project has been running for more than fifteen years with the first trees planted in 2007 and most recently an update rolled out of new metal signs featuring the stories and faces of those who have passed.

Committee member Cindy Walsh said there were 42 plaques for a child lost in the area.

“The idea first came about around 12 months after Brenda and Gail Thompson lost their son Duncan, around the same time someone said we should clean up the old railway. 

“I started making inquiries if people would support a memorial park for those who had lost their young people and sadly at the time almost everyone around the area has lost a child through different things and supported this,” she said.

It took a little bit of time working through Crown Lands and the lease over the land but eventually the group were able to get to work.

“The first lot of planting days were really great; the big trees are for children that were lost and then the smaller trees along the back fence are for pioneers of the district - families came and planted those.

Mrs Walsh said there is a further collection of camellias signs for those who served in the war but came back and have since died.

“We are really happy to have been able to update all of the signs with new metal ones, the original signs were falling apart.

“A gentleman named Max Robbie who was visiting the area a few years ago was so impressed by the war memorial he offered to redo them at no cost and the young people’s signs at a reduced price. 

“We are so grateful for his support and are thrilled with the new signs now at the community end of the park which include a photo and some information about each person for whom the trees were planted,” she said.

“We wish to also thank Patricia Champion of Ringarooma for all her help in creating the designs and all the wonderful volunteers who make our projects possible.

“Especially Ken Burr who does all the mowing weekly – it’s a massive job.”

Mrs Walsh said there is scope to add in more young people if needed, but hopes they never need too.

If people want to help, there is always something to do like sanding and oiling the benches or weeding the garden.

There is a donation box for anyone wishing to contribute to maintenance or future projects in Legerwood.