Master outlaster at last


 • Kate McLeod, Daniel Hill and driver Todd Rattray with Master Leon, who saluted the judge first for the second time in 50 starts. Photo by Stacey Lear Photography.

By Tony Scott,
December 15, 2021

It’s been a while between drinks for Branxholm pacing owner sometimes trainer Brian Rose.

He had seven-year old Master Leon harnessed up for his 50th start at Mowbray on Saturday for only his second career win.

The gelding has been prepared for the track by Waterhouse-based Kate McLeod for his recent races after Rose became ill and in need of hospital treatment.

He’s not sure if he’ll resume training responsibilities.

“I’ve got to get back to be properly fit yet,” he said.

“But Kate’s got him going pretty well.”

Rose has only the one horse in work, having bought his mother in foal eight or nine years ago.

He still has her very much retired as a 22-year old.

Master Leon last won as a three-year old and started at generous odds on Saturday.

“I’m not a real punter, but I had a couple of dollars on him for the win.”

Not being able to make it to the track Rose said he’d managed to get odds of $88 during the afternoon, though he’d come in to less than $80 later in the day.

“He could have won his last run in Hobart but just ran out of puff, so he was just about due to do well.” 

Kate McLeod said Master Leon had responded well to the move to the seaside.

“I think he likes having some friends around.

“We seem to have got over a bit of foot soreness too.

“He’d been working all right but not really putting it together at the races.

“Hopefully we don’t have to wait that long again for his next win,” she said.

 The Cardmaster Hanover gelding out of Rich Beginnings showed good speed at the start from barrier four and grabbed the lead soon after.   

He revelled in his leadership role and was comfortable dictating the race terms throughout the event.  Coming off the back he was about six metres in front and into the home straight challenges were coming quickly from behind.  

But Master Leon fought on to win in a mile rate of 1:59:4.  

Colby Sanz, trained by Kent Rattray ran a very good third in the seventh event of the evening.  

From barrier 10 he settled towards the rear of the field and there was little change in the racing order  until coming off the back straight when he had to make a move forward to come home well in a dense field of horses for his third placing.  

The next meeting for the North East Pacing Club will be held at the recreation ground, Scottsdale on  January 4 at 6:00 pm in preparation for the annual twilight race meeting on Friday January 7.