Learning to swim locally


 • Declan Kelly holding his baby sister Millie at last year’s learn to swim program in Winnaleah. 

By Taylor Clyne,
December 15, 2021

The rebirth of the Scottsdale Aquatic Centre has been well received by all who have dipped their toes in the water, but some families are now seeking some clarity over where their children can learn to swim locally this summer.

Local mum Olivia Tucker said she was really looking forward to signing up her children for swimming lessons in the new learn to swim pool.

“I know a lot of parents are wondering the same and we can’t seem to get a definite answer,” she said.

In years gone by Tiana Button and Tessa Coote have run learn to swim programs at the Scottsdale Pool but will not be doing so this season.

Mayor Greg Howard said this ran as a private enterprise.

“They basically hired the pool from us and charged their own fees,” he said.

Mr Howard said there is certainly an opportunity for someone to run learn to swim classes and use the pool as the venue.

“We are very open to that as we understand the need and there are very limited options in the municipality.

“It’s particularly important for rural kids, especially when they live on farms with dams and water holes, they at least need to learn the basics of how to float or be able to get themselves to the edge of the water.

“Essentially this is a call out to anyone who may be interested in offering learn to swim classes, we would love you to utilise the new pool,” he said. 

Well known private swimming coach Joanna White of Blumont currently has her pool undergoing maintenance.

“We’re hoping to have it finished after Christmas, but we have also just placed our property on the market so I’m unsure if I’ll be offering lessons at all this season,” she said.

Mrs White has been teaching children to swim for more than 23 years and has a clear passion for children learning and enjoying their time in the pool.

“It’s a super important skill that all children need,” she said.

“There is a slight possibility that I may do something in the New Year, subject to the sale of our home, but in the meantime, I would really encourage parents to just take their children to the pool and get them comfortable and confident in the water.

“It’s a fantastic facility and there is a lot to be said for children under five years old learning through water play and water exposure with their parents.

“It’s the beginning of their relationship with the water before incorporating strokes,” she said.

There is however an opportunity to learn to swim in the great North-East region with Maxine Mullins offering lessons at the Winnaleah Swimming Pool for the week of January 17. 

Those wishing to put their child’s name down should call or text Maxine on 0447056788, she will be offering classes from birth up.