Locks lost for Lachie


•  Lachie Clark receives a donation for his medical treatment from school mate Will Gangell.

By Tony Scott
December 22, 2021

Mates feel for their mates and are prepared to give up a lot for them.

There’s no clearer example than Winnaleah school mates Will Gangell and Lachie Clark.

Lachie has been battling leukaemia this year and part of the treatment has caused the loss of his hair, so it was simple choice for 12-year old Will to join him in sporting the naked head style, albeit covered with a beanie most of the time.

Scottsdale hairdresser Teazed offered to do the job for free when Will volunteered to be shorn of his shoulder-length tresses. 

The haircut was done earlier this month and Will raised more than $870 to help with his friend’s on-going treatment.

Lachie still has regular treatment sessions in Launceston with some at home but for past term has been able to attend some school classes, if not in person then virtually with the aid of computer robot provided by aid group Canteen.

The mates will be separated next school year, as Will is moving to Launceston with his family, where he will go onto grade seven.