Eight decades and counting
• Ruth Thompson, Cherie Hosking, Glenda Mountney, Lola Crowden and Virginia Wells celebrating Winnaleah-Derby CWA’s 82nd birthday.
By Taylor Clyne
July 22, 2020
A passion for helping others, making a good batch of scones and being nifty with a crochet hook are just some of the reasons the Winnaleah-Derby Country Women’s Association (CWA) has been around for more than eight decades.
Celebrating their 82nd birthday last week the ladies reflected on the impact the group has had on people’s lives over the years.
Glenda Mountney is a life member of the CWA and has been involved with the association for more than 60 years.
She joined the Yolla branch at the behest of her mother when she was just sixteen years old.
“Mum got me in as secretary, because they couldn’t find anyone for 12 months. I’ve been involved ever since,” Glenda said.
The birthday celebrations coincided with the first meeting back since Covid-19 with five local ladies in attendance and a further four on the board.
“Our group has changed a hell of a lot since it first started, nowadays it's more for the friendship and companionship.
“We’re very community minded and like to hold fundraisers where possible with plans to host a soup and sandwich luncheon at Northbourne later this year as well as a stall.
“When we first started, the CWA was the only lady service group, there was no Red Cross or anything and it was only really for country women because they didn’t have the opportunity to meet other people,” Glenda said.
“We used to cater funerals, yard sales and everything in between; these days we want to help anybody that we can, but we’ve definitely slowed down.
“We still do lots of charity work like preparing baby boxes and breast cancer cushions.”
The group encourages anyone who wants to get involved to come along to their monthly meetings which are held on the second Tuesday at the Dorset Community House.
For more information phone Glenda on 6352 4918.