Country show forges ahead
• Bobbie Wise of Ringarooma enjoying the beautiful flowers on display at last year’s show.
By Daisy Baker
October 28, 2020
The Ringarooma School and District Show committee has been hard at work over the last six weeks since deciding to go ahead with the beloved country show.
The Ringarooma Show will be held in all its glory on Saturday November 7 from 9am-4pm.
Ringarooma School and District Show committee secretary Sheri Mahoney said in a year when so many social events have been cancelled, the Ringarooma Show is especially important.
“The community just needs a day like the show which brings together all the families and the wider community,” she said.
“Especially after this year, everyone needs a good day out to have a good time and forget about everything.”
Ms Mahoney said while they’ve had to make some changes due to COVID, their focus remains on family friendly entertainment.
“We will have free rides and entertainment for the kids, with the jumping castle, log slammer and gladiator joust. All have COVID safe plans in place. They can all operate safely with less kids at each activity at any one time,” Ms Mahoney said.
“There will be face painting, fairy floss and we also have Gomez and Friends coming along with their Macaw parrot and black cockatoos.
“Island kelpies will be main attraction and they will bring along their Indian runner ducks which they use to train the young pups.”
Pinky Lester is coming along with his team of bullocks which will add some new interest to the show this year.
Ms Mahoney said unfortunately there won’t be any woodchopping at this year’s event, which was a joint decision between the organising committee and the North East Axemen’s Association, but it’s hoped they will return next year.
“Other than that, on the schedule we’ve been able to keep most things but the baking section has been heavily revised as we can’t have anything that involves taste testing but the cake and biscuit decorating sections will continue,” she said.
Patrons can also expect to see pet displays and the children’s stock section as well as horse events organised by the North East Pony Club.
There will be plenty for the adults as well with vintage cars on display, the monster auction which will be drawn at 12pm, and lots of agricultural and plant exhibits.
Popular aspects of the show including displays of student artwork and the Scholastic book fair will return again this year.
There will be limited seating available so those attending are encouraged to bring a picnic rug along, where they can kick back and enjoy the atmosphere and live music from Halfway to Forth.
Gates will open at 9am and the day will run through to 4pm.
Numbers on the day will be capped at 1000 including all patrons, staff and exhibitors due to COVID safe restrictions.
Tickets must be purchased online prior to the day and patrons are reminded it is a cash only event.