Bridport Road $16M upgrade


By Taylor Clyne
October 07, 2020

The North-East has scored a huge coup in Tuesday’s Federal Budget 2020/21 announcement with the addition of a $20 million upgrade on the Bridport Road between George Town and Bridport.
The project is part of the 80/20 funding arrangement where $16 million is funded federally and $4 million is funded by the state government.
Whilst it's too early to know the detail of what the upgrade will include it's believed improving freight efficiency and safety is a priority.
Infrastructure Minister Michael Ferguson said he was thrilled the Federal Government and Bridget Archer responded so strongly to the state's job-creating infrastructure proposals.
“The funding will deliver targeted upgrades on the Bridport Road between Scottsdale and Georgetown, a key freight route.
“Upgrades could include widening, minor realignments and curb improvements.
“Now that we have funding certainty, planning will be undertaken in consultation with the community to prioritise the upgrades required and make this vital freight and commuter route safer,” he said.
Mayor Greg Howard said the result was pleasing for road users.
“This will guarantee the long-term viability of those industries that use the road and especially with the forest industry likely to grow, it's a positive move and we would hope that the project would include some passing lanes,” he said.
“The Sideling remains a priority and we would be appreciative of some movement in that area too,” he concluded.