A life well-lived
• Paul Pinkard shares his advice.
February 03, 2021
Paul Pinkard lived most of his life at Telita before moving into Northbourne just over a year ago.
He worked as a farmer for many years, throughout which he worked between 10-14 hours a day.
Mr Pinkard’s advice for the younger generation is to enjoy your youth because you soon lose it.
If he could have changed one thing about his life, he says he would have travelled more.
“I would have like to have gone where my grandfather was in the first World War, Gallipoli and the Western Front,” he said.
Mr Pinkard’s best dating advice is to seek out someone who values honesty and loyalty.
His first car was a Morris 1000 which cost 1000 pounds when he bought it in 1966.
Five things Mr Pinkard considers the most important in life are that life is precious, it’s a privilege to be a parent and grandparent, to have a strong faith and believe the future will be better.
In 10 years’ time, Mr Pinkard said he would like the North-East to look as pretty as it does now and he hopes that the aged residents are cared for.