Issue 44, 2019 Events


Ringarooma School and District Show 2019

By Taylor Clyne
November 13, 2019 

Despite the drizzly weather conditions hundreds of patrons flooded the gates for Ringarooma’s annual School and District Show on Saturday.
The recipe for success seems to be keeping the day family oriented with plenty of free entertainment and a variety of attractions.
The show is unique event in the sense that it is driven by the school with an importance of showcasing the students work that they have completed all year today.
The underlying message is bringing families and the farming community together raising money for community projects and our future generations.
Ringarooma School and District Show committee secretary Sheri Mahoney said the committee had received lots of great feedback from the day.
“We were pretty lucky we got through most of the day before the weather closed in on us, overall it was pretty  successful.
“People loved the working dogs, they want them back next year – so many kids just sat there watching the dogs do their thing it was great to see,” she said.
“Although we didn’t sell out of our show bags, all of the programs at the gate were given out so that gives us a fair indication that numbers were still strong through the gate.”
Looking to the future the committee would like to grow their vehicle displays to include trucks and expand their children’s entertainment.
“We’d like to add more rides for the kids and still keep it all free of course.”
A large reason why the day is so successful is due to the tireless efforts of volunteers, sponsors and teamwork across diverse platforms.
“There are so many to thank; it’s everyone behind the scenes who help make it all come together.”
And apart from being a great social event for the district, the show is an important fundraiser for the school helping contribute to the many programmes and events for its students.