Issue 40, 2019 Events


Pink party for a purpose

By Taylor Clyne
October 16, 2019

It was a glorious spring day for the Dorset Community House’s annual Family Fun Day held as part of Mental Health Week with more than 300 families joining in on the free event.
With a selection of indoor and outdoor activities to choose from children were entertained all day with face painting, zorb balls, mini golf and magnetic fishing just to name a few.
Manager of the Dorset Community House Kate Cliff said it was great to see people of all ages interacting with the participating service providers.
“We couldn’t have done it without our fantastic volunteers who assisted with preparation, setting up and managing different events, and then helped us to pack up too,” she said.
“It was a perfect example of this year’s message that ‘Everyone Has A Role To Play’.”
The jumping castle was kept busy all day with children burning off their energy in the sunshine or opting for a quieter game of checkers with the giant board.
“We were delighted to be able to draw the raffle at the end of the day and all the winners have been congratulated and notified.
“We very much appreciate the generosity of all the businesses, organisations and individuals who donated the wonderful prizes, valued in total at around $1500.
“Thanks also to Dorset Council and the Mental Health Council for funding the day so that everything, including the BBQ, was completely free,” Ms Cliff said.
The raffle raised $2,000 which will go towards the workshop power and a water tank for the garden at the Community House in a bid to help be more water efficient and sustainable.