Whitebait operation uncovered
• Inland Fisheries Service manager of compliance, Stephen Hepworth, preparing to weigh some illegally taken whitebait. Photo supplied.
By Daisy Baker
July 13, 2022
Twelve people from the state’s north are being proceeded against for illegally fishing for and possessing whitebait in the North-East last year.
These charges come after Inland Fisheries Service (IFS), Parks and Wildlife Service and Tasmania Police officers investigated an illegal whitebait fishing operation at Musselroe Bay from September to November 2021.
It is rumoured that fines upwards of $100,000 will be handed down to those responsible.
A Department of Natural Resources and Environment spokesperson said whitebait is a vulnerable fishery in Tasmania that was over-fished in the 1940s until being closed by regulation in 1974 and re-opened on a limited recreational basis in 1990.
“The management of the whitebait fishery is a high priority to the IFS, with illegal poaching activities having the potential to seriously jeopardise its ongoing sustainability,” the spokesperson said.
“The use of strict catch limits, rotational closure of some waters, limits on fishing gear and a limited season opening are all important management tools used to protect the fishery.”
There are substantial penalties for offenders which act as a deterrent, with a combination of minimum fines and special penalties applying to whitebait illegally taken or possessed.
The maximum court fine issued to an individual for whitebait poaching offences to date, was $23,866 in 2019.
The individual was sentenced on 28 charges relating to the illegal taking of whitebait from the Duck River on six separate occasions during September 2018.
At this time the Duck River was closed to the taking of whitebait.
The Brid, Great Forester and Little Forester Rivers, along with kanamaluka/River Tamar including Trevallyn Tailrace, are all rotating open waters in the North-East.
All other North-East rivers, creeks or streams including tributaries to the open waters, are closed to whitebait fishing.
Fishing for whitebait is open to recreational license holders from October 1 until November 11 each year between sunrise and sunset each day.
There is a daily catch limit of 2 kg and a total catch limit of 10 kg for the season.
If you witness or become aware of illegal fishing, or anything suspicious around our inland waters, please let the IFS know.
You can call 0438 338 530 or 1300 INFISH (1300 463 474) or email infish@ifs.tas.gov.au