Temporary Telstra outages for Scottsdale


July 5, 2023

Telstra customers are to expect some temporary service outages beginning next week as the company prepares to upgrade its mobile base station in Scottsdale.

The upgrade will work to 4G services and new 5G coverage however during its installation it will require temporary outages or reduction in mobile coverage.  

This will take place during the daylight hours of July 17 to 23, 2023.  

Landline services, NBN internet services and mobile coverage from other providers will not be impacted. 

Regional General Manager for Telstra Michael Patterson, said while crews need to work during daylight for safety, they will only be switching off the site when needed to and have it back on as quickly as possible.

“Where possible we will just be switching off the parts of the tower we are working on, leaving the rest operational. 

“While coverage and capacity will decline during this time, we want to keep total blackouts to an absolute minimum,” he said. 

“While Telstra does have other mobile base stations located close by in Nabowla and Mt Horror which may help provide some coverage on the outskirts of town, most of our mobile coverage for this area does come from the Scottsdale base station so there will be an impact.”

“There’s never a good time to undertake this sort of work but once it is completed, it will mean better mobile services for local residents.” Mr Patterson said.

Any calls to Triple Zero from a Telstra mobile when the site is off air will automatically be diverted to any working mobile network for connection to emergency services.