Preparing for fun at the fair
2024 Scottsdale Primary Student Leadership Council members Dakoda, Lana, Cameron, Bailey, Tillie, Ethan, Lisa Williams, Eleni, Aylah and Laura have been working on ideas and planning for the fair.
February 21, 2024
After a five-year hiatus brought about by Covid-19, Scottsdale Primary School fair is set to return.
Students and Staff are excited about the return of the community event, which will be held on Friday, March 1from 3:30pm-6:00pm.
Stalls will include lucky dip, showbags, fairy floss, frog in the pond, crazy hair, BBQ, home produce, plant stall, hot spuds, sponge throwing, pop corn, cake stall, donuts, bric-a-brac, raffle and much more.
Scottsdale Football Club will be running activities on the school oval and it’s hoped there will be other community sporting groups involved.
“Stalls will be cash only so start saving your gold coins and small notes,” Principal Davin Broomhall said.
“Our School Association and wider school community have been
amazing in donating their time and seeking donations and items for the fair. If you would like to support
or donate to the fair in any way,
please contact Scottsdale Primary School of 6352 0200.”