Scottsdale Show called off
• Winnaleah’s Holly Carins exhibiting Shanameer Playboy Huw at last year's show. Image by Anna Walters.
By Taylor Clyne
June 24, 2020
For the first time since the two world wars the Scottsdale Show has been cancelled, falling victim to the coronavirus pandemic.
The 117 year long event was planned to take place on November 13 and 14, hosting one of the largest cattle and horse show schedules in the state.
North-East Agricultural and Pastoral Society (NEAPS) president Trevor Hall said after extensive consideration the decision didn’t come lightly.
“With so much uncertainty around restrictions, compliance and travel our committee deemed it was too big a health risk and too big of a financial risk for the future of the show,” he said.
“We know this will have a huge impact on our community not just for those involved with club fundraisers, schools and organisations but also socially too.”
With this in mind, the committee is considering holding a community event later in the year should restrictions ease to a point where it is a viable option.
“If all things are going well, we will look at holding something like an Equestrian/ Quick Shear Event in late November,” Mr Hall said.
“We know that the decision to cancel the show this year will put us in a stronger financial position for years to come.
“In the meantime, we hope you are all taking care and keeping well in this ever-changing climate we find ourselves in.”
Sponsors and exhibitors are being notified this week by the show committee.
There is no official word from the Ringarooma School and District Show if they will be proceeding with their annual event which typically runs the weekend before the Scottsdale Show.
Premier Peter Gutwein is expected to announce when Tasmania's borders will reopen to interstate visitors this Friday.