Scottsdale Magistrates Court of Petty Sessions - October 2020


October 21, 2020

Michael James Bellette pleaded guilty to one count of drink driving, at five times the legal limit.
Mr Bellette was involved in a single vehicle crash on Cape Portland Road, Cape Portland on May 30 after losing control on a right-hand bend.
Police arrived at the scene around 1pm and a breath test returned a positive reading.
Mr Bellette was transferred to the Launceston General Hospital and a blood test obtained showed at the time of the crash his blood alcohol level was 0.252.
He was convicted and fined $3,000 with costs of $85.86 and levies of $20.
Mr Bellette was also disqualified from driving for three years.
Phillip Craig Brown pleaded guilty to one count of operating a vehicle in a public place in an unnecessary execution of speed, acceleration or loss of traction.
Shortly before 2am on May 30 Mr Brown was driving along McGlip Street, Scottsdale after dropping friends home.
The 27-year-old Scottsdale man was caught on CCTV revving the engine excessively and tearing up the grass outside two separate residences.
Mr Brown offered to help property owners reseed grass.
He was convicted and fined $350 with costs of $85.86.
Thomas Scott Harris pleaded guilty to one count of exceeding the speed limit on Bridport Road at Pipers River on May 12.
Mr Harris was caught by a marked police vehicle just before 4pm exceeding the 100km/h limit, driving at 122km/h.
The defendant told police he was day dreaming.
He was convicted on the complaint, fined $172 and lost three demerit points, with additional costs of $85.86.
Cain Simon Lodge pleaded guilty to one count of driving with a prescribed illicit drug present in his oral fluid.
Around 6.30pm on May 16 police intercepted Mr Lodge along Ellenor Street for a license check and random breath test.
A roadside oral fluid test returned a positive reading and later testing showed he had methamphetamine, amphetamine and TCH in his system.
He was convicted on the complaint and fined $688 with additional costs of $85.86 and levies of $20.
Mr Lodge was also disqualified from driving for six months.
Michael Wayne Kelb pleaded guilty to one count of stealing on October 10, 2019 in Launceston.
Shortly before 10am Mr Kelb filled up his car with $50.01 of unleaded fuel at Mood Food on Wellington Street before driving away without paying.
Mr Kelb said he had forgotten his bank card and intended to go back and pay but has not yet done so.
The Magistrate said it was a “blatant act of dishonesty”.
He was convicted on the complaint and fined $350 with costs of $68.04 and levies of $20, and was instructed to pay the compensation order for the sum of the fuel.
A Jetsonville man pleaded guilty to two counts of common assault.
The man was involved in two family violence matters with his partner on February 27 and June 14, while intoxicated.
Due to a police family violence order he cannot be named.
The man was convicted on each complaint, fined $700 with costs of $171.72 and levies of $40.
Richard Andrew Hassell pleaded guilty to driving without a licence and exceeding the speed limit on Golconda Road in Lilydale.
Mr Hassell was caught by police traveling at 110km/h in 100km/h zone on July 18 just before 12pm.
Checks on his licence showed the Pioneer man’s licence had expired in late 2017.
He was convicted on each complaint, fined $350 with additional costs of $85.86.
Murray Robert Johnson pleaded guilty to driving without a licence along Ellenor Street in Scottsdale on June 8 just after 12pm.
Police intercepted Mr Johnson for a random breath test and licence checks showed it had expired in February.
Mr Johnson said he was unaware his licence had lapsed as he had not received a renewal notice.
He was convicted and fined $200 with costs of $85.86.
Lori-Ann Slocombe pleaded guilty to three counts of driving offences on June 28.
Ms Slocombe was caught driving whilst suspended on Tasman Highway in Scottsdale, in a vehicle that was unregistered and uninsured.
Ms Slocombe said she was it was not her car so she did not realise it was unregistered.
She was convicted on all three counts and fined $400 with costs of $85.86.
Zane Callum O’Neal pleaded guilty to a range of driving charges over two separate incidents.
On June 27 he was caught by police driving along Henry Street in Bridport in an unregistered and uninsured vehicle while disqualified from driving.
The defendant stated he was aware his P1 licence was disqualified but he did not realise the vehicle was unregistered.
Police intercepted Mr O’Neal again on July 11 at Sandy Points Road in Bridport, and he was found to be driving while disqualified in an unregistered and uninsured vehicle.
Mr O’Neal was convicted on each of the counts, fined $2,000 with costs of $153.40 and levies of $40.
He was also disqualified from driving for six months active immediately and given a community correction order to complete 49 hours of community service in the next 12 months.
Bradley James Brown pleaded guilty via phone to one count of driving without a licence and one count of failing to wear a seatbelt.
Mr Brown was seen driving without a seatbelt by police on patrol in South Launceston on August 3.
Once pulled over, the defendant denied not wearing a seatbelt and licence checks showed his licence was expired and subject to a suspension.
Mr Brown was convicted on both charges and was fined $400 with costs of $85.86, and was disqualified from driving for two months.
A number of other matters were adjourned for hearing at the next session in Scottsdale on November 17, 2020.