School centenary celebration plans
• Scottsdale High School’s first class from a postcard retained by the family of a student and on its back all the names of those pictured.
By Tony Scott,
June 09, 2021
Planning is underway for a celebration of Scottsdale High School’s centenary next year.
An organising committee, headed by the School Association president Wendy Timperon, has been formed, breaking into four sub committees in charge of publicity, a special assembly, catering and collecting memorabilia.
A committee member, Pamella Krushka, said the main celebration was being scheduled for late March 2022.
While that seemed still well off in the future, Covid restrictions had prevented an earlier start to planning.
“We really would have liked to have been further down the track with organising things for such a complex event by now.”
She said the celebrations were likely to start on a Friday afternoon or evening with a civic reception and school tours.
The following morning, Saturday, it’s proposed to have a special assembly, including the unveiling of a commemorative plaque, followed by a light lunch and school tours through the afternoon.
The program is far from final and Mrs Krushka said the committee was open to other ideas and suggestions about what might be included.
The first classes of the High School were held in a disused storeroom in Charles Street, but only after the senior teacher, Mr Timperon, had swept out the rubbish and got rid of most of the rats and mice.
A purpose-built school opened in Coplestone Street (A Block) three years later .
There’s to be another meeting of the planning committee at the school on Tuesday June 29.
Any one interested in the celebrations is encouraged to attend and they could pass on any ideas to Wendy Timperon through email or Pamella Krushka,