Play equipment to suit little people


• Cr Kahlia Simmons and local mothers Karla Williams and Samantha Brown with Conner (1) and Zara (2) at Northeast Park. 

November 23, 2022

A group of local mothers met with new Councillor Kahlia Simmons at Northeast Park last Friday to discuss the need for more inclusive play for toddlers in playgrounds across the region.

Cr Simmons walked through the park to hear the concerns and see first-hand how difficult the equipment is for children five years and under. 

Mothers Karla Williams and Samantha Brown said they looked forward to working with Council to see improvements over the coming years.

“We would love our local playgrounds to be more inclusive for toddlers, whether it be through more appropriate equipment and/or the incorporation of nature. 

“Most of the areas have big equipment, and limited opportunities for open-ended and ‘risky play’,” the girls said.

In most spaces across Scottsdale, Legerwood, Derby and Winnaleah playground equipment is focused on school-aged children and is too difficult or even unsafe for the littlest ones to explore.

“We’re hoping over the years we can strike a balance between the two so children of all ages can play by ensuring that there is plenty of ground level play activities. 

“This can be done by providing play areas and components under the raised platforms, cubby-like spaces that younger children love to explore,” Mrs Brown added. 

Cr Simmons said it was great to get out and collaborate ideas for younger children in Dorset.

“I love being a part of the conversation, and I’m willing to do all I can to look into what the group come up with so that I can take it to my fellow Councillors for further decisions,” she said.

“I’ve said it before but let’s work together with the people that are raising young families here because I want them to stay here, they should not be going afar to playgrounds that have more to offer.

“We should have them here where they live.”

Other parents with ideas are encouraged to come forward with suggestions to either Karla Williams or Samantha Brown on Facebook.