New Bridport pier in sight


• A visual from MAST’s Bridport Foreshore Masterplan showing stage one and two of the project.

October 5, 2022

By Daisy Baker

After years of community discussion and feasibility studies, plans are afoot for stage one of a pier development in Bridport, with $5million in state government funding allocated to the project in this
year’s budget.

Marine and Safety Tasmania (MAST) released their long-awaited Bridport Foreshore Master Plan to the public earlier this year, outlining a staged rollout. 

Stage one which is costed at $2.6 million and will see an upgrade of the existing boat ramp at the Old Pier and an installation of a 126-metre public pier with a low landing on the town-side of the iconic Old Pier.

The boat ramp will be extended seaward with elevated structure to enable all-tide access and to allow sand movement beneath it.

The Masterplan states additional carparking will be required to service the infrastructure.

Stage two involves extending the jetty a further 216 metres for greater use.

MAST’s report suggests the project benefits include offering enhanced views of Bridport’s coastline, encouraging new forms of water-based sports in Bridport and providing a safe haven/mooring site for ocean-going vessels.

The state government pledged $5million during last year’s state election, with more than half of it to be spent on a new jetty and improved boat ramp.

It’s understood the remainder will be used to fund a study on the proposal to excavate a new entrance to the Bridport Estuary. 

Mayor Greg Howard said with funding allocated in this year’s state budget, progress on the new pier is expected in the near future.

“We’d be hoping to see some works beginning this financial year,” he said.

“I can understand the need to do  a feasibility study for the new entrance to the port and marina as there will be a lot of environmental considerations and there will need to be a lot of public consultation.

“The reference group agreed the marina should be prioritised but given the cost of it, the pier itself is more feasible in the short term.”

The Masterplan also details a new river entrance to replace the existing entrance and the development of a 20-berth marina facility, including walkways and gangways.

Mayor Howard said given the sheer amount of money required to bring the marina and new port entrance to fruition – estimated at just over $35million – external funding would likely be needed.

He said there would be scope to expand the marina in the future if necessary.

The Foreshore Masterplan is led by MAST and once constructed the new pier will be maintained by MAST.

Throughout the design process, MAST has been consulting with a project working group involving local representatives including Mayor Howard, Robert Perkins and Billy Millwood.

The Bridport Foreshore Master plan can viewed in full via the Dorset Council website.