Naughty novice drivers punished


Scottsdale Court of Petty Sessions,
February 09, 2022

Daniel Gerard Atkins of Scottsdale pleaded guilty to one count of drink driving on November 28.

The P2 driver was driving back to Bridport after attending his brother’s birthday party at the North Scottsdale Hall.

At 1.20am on November 28 police were conducting patrols in Bridport when they heard tyres screeching out near the Jarvis Link.

On arrival they found tyre marks on the road and then heard more tyres screeching in the main township.

Burnout marks were found in several places along the main street, with tyre marks near the second roundabout veering onto the left side of the gutter to a TasNetworks box that had been struck and bent backwards.

Police intercepted Mr Atkins in Joseph Street, where he blew a positive reading of 0.127.

The 20-year-old was fined a $600 special penalty, an $800 fine plus costs and levies of $109.30.

He was disqualified from driving for six months which was backdated to the incident in November.

Costs for the TasNetworks box damage will be sought in the future.

Andrew Dennis Burn of Scottsdale pleaded guilty to a host of driving offences on September 3 last year, including driving without a seatbelt and failing to display L plates.

The learner driver lost control of the vehicle he was driving on Bridport Road at Jetsonville, it then went down and embankment and rolled over.

Mr Burn’s breath test returned a negative result although his supervising passenger had been drinking and returned a positive reading.

Mr Burn lost six demerit points, was disqualified from driving for three months and fined $500 with costs and levies of $69.30.

Danny Leslie Hayes pleaded guilty to one count of drink driving on April 2, 2021 at David Street in Newstead, while his licence was suspended.

At a roadside breath test, the 40-year-old blew 0.092.

Mr Hayes’ license was disqualified for three months, fined $4000 with $217.90 costs and levies.

Mohammed Shafi-Ul Kaiyum of Bridport pleaded guilty to one count of drink driving and being an unaccompanied learner driver.

On November 20, 2021 just after 6pm, Mr Kaiyum was pulled over by police for a random breath test.

He returned a positive reading of 0.018 and was the sole occupant of the vehicle despite being a learner driver.

Mr Kaiyum was disqualified from driving for four months, fined $400 with costs and levies of $89.30.

Zakaria William Lapham pleaded guilty to speeding along Emily Street in Bridport on July 8.

He was intercepted by police after travelling at 72km in a 60km zone.

Mr Lapham told police the sun was in his eyes and he did not realise the speed limit had changed.

Later checks by police showed that the 34-year-old’s license was suspended, however he says he was unaware of this.

Mr Lapham lost two demerit points, was fined $500 with costs and levies of $69.30.

Ashley John Jones pleaded guilty to a series of driving offences, including drink driving, being an unaccompanied driver and not displaying L plates.

The L2 license holder was intercepted by police on January 1, 2022 when he was driving East on Bridport Road Jetsonville.

Mr Jones’ passenger was unlicensed, and he was not displaying L plates.

A breath analysis returned a reading of 0.084.

The 18-year-old was disqualified from driving for five months, lost three demerit points and was fined $500 with costs and levies of $109.30. 

Shane Aaron Cooper pleaded not guilty to one count of driving with an illicit drug in his system.

On January 4, 2020 Mr Cooper was pulled over by police on Scott Street at Branxholm and a later oral fluid sample returned a positive trace of THC.

Mr Cooper told the court he uses cannabis to cope with pain associated with cancer but does not hold a Medicinal Cannabis Card. 

Mr Cooper provided a lengthy constitutional challenge for the courts questioning the divisions of power by way of defence.

Mr Cooper later conceded to driving with TCH in his system.

He was disqualified from driving for six months and was fined $700 with costs and levies of $242.75.

There were a number of other matters which were adjourned for the next Court of Petty Sessions hearing in Scottsdale on March 22.