Mount Paris story preserved


• A new interpretation sign has been installed at Mount Paris Dam. 

March 29, 2023

Interpretation signage has been installed at Mount Paris Dam detailing the history of the iconic North-East landmark.

The new sign is an initiative of local tourism promotion committee the Destination Action Plan (DAP), who secured a $10,000 state government grant to update signage across the region.

Detailing the Mount Paris Dam story right from its early days, the modern addition replaces the much smaller sign which was outdated and featured a bullet hole.

DAP is also working alongside Sustainable Timbers Tasmania (STT) to deliver directional signage in the coming months, guiding visitors to the largely unsung attraction.

STT will also provide gravel for the make shift carpark and have kindly helped with the access road and excess water with drainage for no cost. 

There is also an active application sitting with Parks and Wildlife Services regarding a similar interpretation panel and associated directional signage at Mount Horror.