Marilyn looks back


Marilyn Partridge has lived most of her 74 years in Scottsdale.
She said while things have changed a lot since she was in the dating game, her best dating advice is to look for humour, honesty and loyalty.
If she could go back and change one thing in her life she said it would be making sure her family stayed together.
Mrs Partridge’s first home nearby in George Street, Scottsdale was bequeathed to her and her husband by an uncle in around 1975.
She said her fondest life memory is the birth of her first grandchild.
The biggest social change since she was young is women’s increasing role in the workplace.
“I always worked but a lot of women were home as wives, that to me is the biggest change and it’s been dramatic,” she said.
Her working years were spent running businesses of her own, working as a teacher for the blind and driving a delivery van for the butchery around Scottsdale when her children were little.
Mrs Partridge said the things she considers most important in life are family, loyalty, financial security and happiness.
In 10 years’ time she hopes the North-East doesn’t look too different but hopes the area will attract more permanent residents in coming years.
The Advertiser has conducted a series of brief interviews with Northbourne residents which will be published over the coming months.