Hoppers pique interest


• Custom built hoppers being constructed at Furneaux Freight’s Bridport wharf.

By Daisy Baker,
September 02, 2020

If you’ve driven into Bridport recently, chances are you’ve seen the two large custom-built bulk load hoppers currently being constructed at Furneaux Freight’s wharf.
The project is a joint venture between Doric Engineering, Haywards and Cova.
Furneaux freight director Shannon Lovell said all components for the two hoppers have been built remotely and trucked into Bridport for assembly.
“Furneaux Freight has been chartered to deliver the two hoppers to the Port of Geelong on the Matthew Flinders III,” she said.
“Once assembly has been completed, each hopper will weigh approximately 58 tonnes and will be used to move bulk load products.
“The shipment of the two hoppers is scheduled to leave Bridport in the third week of September, with the voyage anticipated to take three days.”
Mrs Lovell said it’s quite common for Furneaux Freight vessels to be chartered to move specialised cargo.
“A project such as this has beneficial flow on effect for the community, with all contractors staying within the local area.”
The Bridport Wharf is currently a hive of activity, with another large, long-term project on the go.
Many hands are on deck constructing the Matthew Flinders IV, a new vessel which Furneaux Freight will continue to service the Bass Strait Islands with for years to come.
The Matthew Flinders IV will have be able to carry 20 per cent more livestock and a licence to carry 36 passengers, which is triple the current licence.
Construction started on the Matthew Flinders IV two years ago and it’s anticipated it will be completed in early 2021.