Find Scottsdale’s reindeer and win!


• Parker, Holly and Cooper Saunders had fun finding all the reindeer in Scottsdale, they are pictured here with Rudolph.

By Taylor Clyne
December 02, 2020

Santa’s reindeer have escaped and are hiding in various shop windows throughout Scottsdale and now the Jolly Man needs your help to him find them!
Also hiding along the way are all the letters that make up the word ‘Christmas’; if you find all the letters and the reindeer, you’ll go into the draw to win some cool local prizes.
To help you keep track of all your hunting you’ll need an entry form, which are available at the Cottage Bakery.
Then set off on a mission to locate every reindeer and letters that spell "Christmas" by peeking in shop windows.
Make sure you fill out the form and let Santa know where his reindeer are; submit your entry to go into the draw.
The reindeer you’ll be looking for are Comet, Donner, Blitzen, Prancer, Dasher, Dancer, Cupid, Vixen and of course Rudolph.
This year there are three divisions.
For the under 10s there is a prize donated by Scott McLaughlin for Good Sports Scottsdale valued at $50 plus a $10 voucher from the Cottage Bakery.
The successful reindeer finders between the ages of 10 and 15 years are up for a $130 prize donated by Summerhill Simmentals, the Cottage Bakery and the Rotary Dorset Christmas Parade committee.
For the over 16-year-old category, which also covers anyone young at heart, there is a huge prize pool valued at over $300.00 donated by the Rotary Dorset Parade, the Cottage Bakery, Kendall’s Hotel, Eastside Motors and Café Rhubaba.
The Christmas letters entry forms are to be picked up and returned to the Scottsdale Shoe Store, the prize is $50 cash to the winner and the category is open to all ages.
Entries for both competitions will close at 5pm on Friday December 18.
Complete entries must be dropped into the Cottage Bakery, there is a limit to two entries per person.
Winners will be announced on Monday December 21, just in time for Christmas.