Cheesery on the cards for Nabowla


By Daisy Baker
March 18, 2020

A sheep cheesery and café on the Bridport Back Road at Nabowla is one step closer to coming to fruition, after councillors unanimously passed a proposal on Monday night.
The current dwelling will be partially converted to include the cheesery and café, and a camping area will be developed for visitor accommodation.
The camping area would provide for a maximum of ten camping spaces and associated retrofitted shipping container to be used as an amenity building, including two toilets.
The property is accessed via a private vehicle access across a Crown Land road reserve, which the applicant shares with two other landowners.
Council received two representations against the development during the advertised period.
Key concerns included the current condition of vehicle access and the noise, smells and general nuisances potentially caused by the proposal.
Representations noted drainage is poor in the winter with water running down the middle of the road in some places, and the road is too narrow for two vehicles to pass.
A condition of approval was that the access be upgraded and widened at the applicant’s cost to provide a safe and practical internal access.
Councillor Jed Nichols said providing conditions are met, it could be a great tourism development.
 “I certainly recognise that road is at the moment sub-standard but I am very comfortable with the conditions that it could become a safe thoroughfare and it should go a long way to easing concerns of the objectors,” Cr Nichols said.
“I wish them the best of luck and hope it can generate some interest for the community.”
Councillor Mervyn Chilcott similarly said it was promising to see another private enterprise development in the region.
“I think it’s a new innovation and if it’s successful it would be an asset to the community with the other tourism pursuits in the area,” he concluded.