Carins’ studio works on show
• Janet Carins with one of her paintings in the exhibition.
By Tony Scott,
MAY 05, 2021
An exhibition by renowned North-East Artist Janet Carins and some of her students will open at the Scottsdale Art Gallery on Saturday May 8.
The Eclectic Works show will feature 25 paintings done in both oils and acrylics.
Curator of the exhibition Shirley Rootes Martin said the artist drew on the experience of more than 30 years as a professional.
“Janet Carins endeavours to capture the viewer’s imagination, causing them to want to become a part of her painting.
“She aims to create interest and enjoyment, and at times presents factual information, but in an entertaining way.
“Janet loves experimenting in colour, composition and tonal effects and produces a wide variety of paintings.”
Basically self-taught, Ms Carins studied art throughout her school years and Curriculum Art and Fine Arts at College.
“Over the years she has gained many insights and personal breakthroughs, through her painting experiences and also from studying art history in general, but especially the Australian landscape painters, the Dutch and Italian Renaissance masters, as well as other artists’ work,” Ms Rootes Martin said.
She has received several awards from entering competitions connected with the Australian Artist magazine including first prize for a landscape entry, “Sandy’s Bullocks” and second prize for a floral entry, “Nature’s Bouquet”.
She has also been a finalist in the John Glover landscape award.
The exhibition “Eclectic Works” will feature 10 of her own paintings along with works from seven of her adult students.
Ms Carins appreciates the opportunity to teach the students who come from various backgrounds including, school and university students, grandparents, retirees and working adults from the local and wider community.
Due to Covid restrictions people interested in attending the opening of “Eclectic Works” at 2.30 pm on Saturday are asked to contact Scottsdale Art Gallery Cafe on 6352 4388.