“An embarrassment” – exiled Mayor on Council Board of Inquiry Report


July 10 2024

An embarrassing document that doesn’t justify a 12-month councillor suspension, as well as a witch hunt, is how exiled Mayor Greg Howard has described the Board of Inquiry Report into Dorset Council.

It is understood that he and a number of other disgruntled councillors are considering legal action for reputational damage and loss of income as a result of the saga.

While legally Cr Howard could not reveal details of what is contained in the confidential document, he said it was “hugely underwhelming”.

The Board of Inquiry Report was released by Minister Nic Street to Councillors in late June for them to review and comment on, before the end of this week.

A Government spokeswoman said Minister Street was currently consulting with suspended councillors, as is required under the Local Government Act 1993. 

“Until these statutory processes have concluded and any submissions are considered, it would not be appropriate to comment further,” they said.

But it hasn’t stopped Cr Howard from hitting out.

“They haven’t discovered a single thing that we didn’t already know and in most cases is historical and already been resolved,” Cr Howard said.

“There is nothing in the report that could even remotely justify the holding of a Board of Inquiry and even more so justify the suspension of council.

“It looks very much like a witch hunt that has come unstuck.

“Obviously the report we have got may not be the final version because the Minister will have to take into consideration any feedback he gets from councillors before he releases the final report and that may cause a change, but in its current format it would be an embarrassment I would have thought.”

Cr Howard said the entire exercise was unnecessary and that improvements to the Local Government Act needed to be implemented.

“A lot of the issues that have been raised are the fault of the Local Government Act itself,” he said.

“The Act outlines statutory obligations that are so broad and so loosely worded that councillors who have no legal training whatsoever cannot possibly determine whether or not they are complying with the statutory obligations.”

“Those parts of the Act are so badly worded that when you seek legal advice from more than one lawyer you get two different opinions.”

Cr Howard reiterated he would resign as Mayor regardless of the Minister’s decision. A number of other councillors have said likewise.

“In my opinion this has set the council and the community back a decade,” he said.

“Going forward the problem will be it will be almost impossible to attract decent people to stand for council in Dorset which cannot be good for the municipality.”

No date has been set for Minister Street to announce findings.